
It Feels Better Biting Down


08-06-2013, 02:22 PM

Claws dug deeply into the earth beneath her as she savored every last moment of her kill. Her eyes closed, and the balls rolled back within their sockets as the metallic tasting life line dripped down her throat. She did not intend on eating this animal, she simply wanted to kill. Not for sport, but for release. She inhaled deeply, then exhaled a long sigh. The hare dropped from her mouth without much thought, and as it fell a thick stream of blood dripped from her open mouth. She didn't have any use for it now, so she would leave it for the scavengers to fight over.

Her eyes opened, and her ears fell forward. She could sense another creature out there, and as she inhaled the scent it was all too clear; it was another wolf. The aroma of another kill wafted across her nostrils, and she couldn't help but savor the taste. Within a few moments she could hear the quiet sounds of bones breaking, flesh tearing, and blood slurping. She figured whoever it was had just caught a marvelous catch. Her eyes hungrily drifted back down toward the hare. Now she was starting to get hungry. She was just about to reach down and grab a bite when the perpetrator came into view. Her head rose back up, and her tail flagged level with her spine. It was necessarily an aggressive posture, but it was a defensive one, one that said I wont be afraid to attack you if provoked.

The bitch was covered in blood as if she had wallowed within the bowels of her kill. Liberty's lips curled into a smirk, reveling the bottoms of her two front canines. What an interesting creature this gal was. "I could say the same about you." Her words trailed off toward the end. Her iced gaze set on the females for a moment, but drifted back down toward her hare. She really wanted a bite, but she would see what this female had to offer first. Protectively she placed her right paw on the hare's tattered body. This kill was hers, and she wouldn't let this bitch steal it.
