
Pretty is as Pretty Does



08-06-2013, 02:23 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Orica listened to Erani's words about her Aunt. Of course she knew Asheni! Everyone seemed to know Asheni. And to know her was to love her. More than that, the white she-wolf and the medic had become sisters. Orica's grin spread with a gasp.. "But- that practically makes us family!" It was just like she'd always thought when she was little - some how or other all wolves were related. It was one of the main reasons why she got along so well with everyone... and why she could never understand how two wolves would want to hurt eachother. When Erani went on to say that she could come back in and visit sometime, that grin only went wider. Her fluff-mop of a tail curled up and wagged like a husky's. Her sparkled with a very clear, very pleased you mean it? Cross had gotten to make friends in Seracia, perhaps Orica would be able to make friends in Valhalla.

The grey girl seemed a good place to start. Erani's final remark about Orica's mother made it clear that much was known about these two of the old glaciem tribe, well time to learn about the pair of Valhallans. Eagerly Orica waited to her what Erani's daughter would say.

"I'm Surreal."

"Well it's nice to meet you Surreal," said Orica in a voice that more befitted a high mountain stream than a creature of flesh and blood. She sat down to keep calm, but her tail couldn't help give a thump or two against the grass. "Are you a healer too?" she asked. Meeting another wolf in medicine, and one her own age- Could her luck be that good?
