
Ghosts of yesterday



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
08-19-2021, 08:59 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2021, 09:03 AM by Ásvor. Edited 3 times in total.)
Ásvor was alone with her thoughts today. Fireside had been uncharacteristically quiet for a long while now and her son's departure only made it seem even more vacant. The elder Finnvi wasn't the type to really miss people, not really; sometimes she had dreams of her family coming together again and she awoke feeling painfully nostalgic, but she couldn't deny that her son leaving had left a vacant hole in her heart. For so long now raising Ulfr had been at the forefront of her mind and now that she was gone she was left feeling strangely restless. She had long since come to terms with settling down; well-aware that the majority of her life was behind her, but this? This change felt different, and she had trouble putting aside the maternal instincts that welled up inside her.

For now she found solace in the near-darkness. It had a way of stifling her thoughts in a way nothing else could. Perhaps she could find comfort in mind-altering substances but she had little interest today, instead choosing to travel through the tunnels in the mountainside until she came across this strange chamber. Even Jörmungandr found comfort in the dark, uncoiling from her leg and slithering across the cool stone floor to circle the room, no doubt sensing prey of his own here. Quickly her viper disappeared from sight, and as she took a few more steps into the darkness she found herself engulfed completely, only the faintest sliver of light behind her giving her any sense of direction.