
I Just Had To Come Back




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
08-19-2021, 09:29 AM
His smile wasn't as welcoming as he thought, or maybe he didn't really think it was welcoming at all. Everything that had just happened, finding out about Relm, getting sick all over the place, it was a weird day already. But she wasn't going to deny him the company while she was in fact more lonely than he could understand, or maybe not, maybe he could understand. She didn't know him that well at all.

When he spoke about teaching her about the Empire, she faked her own smile, maybe more obvious than she intended. Relm had already dropped the Abraxas name, she was done with it. Kefka had taught her that because of her blood, her family, she would one day wake up and feel superior over everyone else just like he did. She was already there, but she didn't let that drive her life. She believed she was very capable for herself. She had made it this far in her life, almost alone really. Kefka catered to her for so long, but there was only so much that he provided for her. And she showed herself she was able to survive on her own, easily.

"Yeah, sure." Kefka had taught her about the religion, or about what he knew. He wasn't raised in it, and in fact only knew from a recent source while she was still in womb. But at this point, she was ready to throw it in the garbage. That didn't mean she wouldn't listen, or be informed. About her uncle's religion, about the way he grew up, or anything else he wanted to talk to her about. She may have been a bit of a rebellious teen, but that didn't stray her from at least learning about what she didn't want to, because she knew knowledge wasn't necessarily for her, but for everyone else.
