
all my competition saying what we gon' do


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

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Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-19-2021, 11:04 AM

Hanako wasn't happy she was no longer the only koi in the Armada. Sure, Hikaru had been here a while and cosied up right next to Mortis like a store bought replacement but they'd both been gone for quite some time, making it easy to pretend he simply did not exist. And now there was a slave koi roaming the Plains, or at least that's what Hanako had heard through the grapevine. She hadn't had the pleasure of meeting them, whoever they were, just yet and was in no rush to change that anytime soon.  Reasonably, in a distant space in the back of her mind, she knew Sirius wasn't out to get her and this was all probably just a coincidence. Still and in typical Hanako fashion, it felt like a personal slight against her, a barbed jab which rubbed her all the wrong ways.

Was she being needlessly petty? Yes. Was she going to stop? Nope.

One could argue she had reason to be all uppity, just yesterday she'd lost her den along with most of  her personal possessions. Not to mention Hanako's heat was still making her feel bent out of shape, restless and antsy. Eager to vent and snap when usually she'd make more of an effort to keep it to herself. Having Azure around helped a lot, he was good like that, but he was a busy man and had more than enough to deal without his girl throwing tantrums at every inconvenience.

Instead, she huffed as she made her way to the centre of the territory and took refuge beside the pack's campfire, atop one of the laid out furs. Despite all the difficulties the Armada faced it still burned strong, crackling and roiling as a cold wind swept in from the sea. Last winter had been difficult to say the least but if the current weather said anything then this one would be no joke either. No wonder Sirius had gotten all bent out of shape over the state of the pantry, she could hardly blame him and intended to fish again soon when sea wasn't so volatile.

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