
Run Off the World

Deathbelle and Tamsyn



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-19-2021, 11:49 AM
Ulric settled onto his haunches while he waited for Tamsyn to appear and luckily the former Seraph answered his summons quickly. He spotted her as the main doors into the castle opened, the black and white woman showing her obvious surprise at Deathbelle's presence as she questioned the other woman on why she was here. So they were at least aware of each other, but he could tell from the difference in their reaction that Tamsyn recognized Deathbelle more easily than the other way around. Either way, he at least didn't have to go through introductions and he could jump straight into explaining the situation. He paused for a moment, glancing toward Deathbelle to see if she would want to say anything, but when she glanced away he took the lead.

"Sirius asked me to bring Deathbelle here and give her a home and make sure that no harm comes to her." He hesitated, unsure of how much he should say or explain about the situation that had led them here, but he trusted Tamsyn and that she would keep the information in confidence if she knew. Oh, but there was other news that was more important, wasn't there? "First things first... Zee is alive and she is back in the Armada." He let that sink in for a moment, seeing the shock that painted Tamsyn's face, before he continued. "In the time that Zee was gone, Sirius and Deathbelle began a relationship and now that Zee is back..." That was probably more than enough to paint a picture. He still didn't like that they had been pulled into this mess, but he wouldn't blame Deathbelle for this. Sirius had created this mess and now Ulric would repay his favor to the Warlord by helping to minimize the damage.

"If you're willing, I would like for you to be Deathbelle's companion while she gets settled in. It seems like you two might have some things in common and I think you can help support one another." It was hard to tell if Deathbelle was even willing to attempt to build this new life for herself like Sirius wished for her to, but he had no doubt that Tamsyn with her infinite patience and kindness would at least put in a good effort toward helping her.

Ulric Adravendi