
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 04:11 PM
Most of her evening had been spent with Kane, the poor man trying to talk her off the ledge as she ranted and raved about Sirius and how desperately she wanted to tear into him, to get revenge on all the pain he had cause herself and others, for pushing off his problems onto someone else yet again. It had started with a snide comment over dinner about the Warlord after a day of spending time with Deathbelle, but after a copious amount of wine she was pretty much on the brink of storming off to the Armada then and there to give Sirius a piece of her mind, check on Zee, and maybe just take Zee back with her just to really drive in the point that Sirius didn't deserve any of them. To Kane's credit he did a wonderful job soothing her and reminding her that she had sworn to never see him again. She laid awake beside him after some angry sex and had ended up drunkenly walking down the hall to Gwynevere's room, quietly coaxing Eilwen from her perch so that she could have the pale raven deliver a message - a very heated, wordy message full of the worst expletives and threats she could think of. Being the dutiful raven she was she took off into the night and Tamsyn returned to bed with a satisfied grin, curling up into the chest of the man that actually deserved her and falling asleep.

She was pulled awake by some insistent tapping on her shoulder and she blinked open groggy mint eyes to look up at Eilwen. She couldn't really tell how much time had passed, a couple hours perhaps, but when she heard the raven telling her in a frantic whisper that the Warlord was on his way she was up immediately. She quietly slipped away so she wouldn't disturb Kane, but once she was out the door and it was closed behind her she started storming down the stairs and through the foyer. It was really only once she was on her paws that she could feel the lingering effects of the alcohol, her head starting to pound as she charged out toward the border and that only made her more angry. She reached the border that faced the path to Boreas and she sat back hard on her haunches, absolutely fuming as she waited for Sirius to show his face.

Tamsyn Carpathius