
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 05:04 PM
Tamsyn wasn't kept waiting long or at least not long enough for her anger to simmer before she saw Sirius' dark form emerge from the darkness, lit by the moonlight as he emerged from the trees and came to a stop in front of her at the edge of the plains. Her eyes narrowed at him as he said her name, her jaw clenching as she looked up at him. She was practically shaking with how angry she was at him even though she could hardly pick apart her emotions enough to figure out exactly what was causing it. She staggered to her paws, scowling up at him with furry and anger in her eyes. "Zee is alive!? You didn't think I'd want to know that?" she demanded first, not even acknowledging his greeting. "After... After I ran all over the fucking continent with you looking for her and after I drug those burned up bodies back to the Armada for you a-and after I picked your sorry ass up off the ground to make sure you made it back to your family? You couldn't even bother to... to even send one of your companions to tell me?" But that was really only the tip of the iceberg. That was a simple mistake compared to every thing else. The snowball began to roll down hill and it was quickly picking up speed.

"But you know what's worse?" she questioned, stopping him from responding if he even attempted to say anything at all. "You just can't keep yourself from breaking women that are already broken, can you?" Snarling, she lifted a paw and hit him in the chest as hard as she could which admittedly probably wasn't all that hard considering her balance was suspect at best, but it made her feel better at least. "You've hurt Zee more times I probably even know about, you strung me along and broke my heart, you shoved me away again and again while I was trying to help you, you lost your fucking mind and lashed out at me for... for what? Because you thought you could see Zee? Was my friendship not good enough for you? Is your family not good enough for you!?" She fell back onto her haunches as her world spun for a second, breaking hard at her rage and the way her drunkenness and the beginning of a hang over was effecting her.

"And now... Now you've gone and done it again to Deathbelle. To fucking Deathbelle!" She snarled up at him, wishing desperately that she was sober so she might actually stand a chance at ripping into him. Maybe she'd take those balls that had gotten him into so much trouble to tear apart those lips that had kissed her if she wasn't so drunk. "You have a lot of gall showing your face here after what you've done... Picking Zee, always picking Zee, shoving your problems on to everyone else so you can keep living your high and mighty life as the Warlord while the rest of us suffer around you." She scoffed and turned her head away from him, pulling herself back to her paws so she could turn to start walking back to the castle, abandoning him like he had abandoned them so many times before.

Tamsyn Carpathius