
My Own Sick Pride




7 Years
Dire wolf
08-19-2021, 05:05 PM

The girls words brought a flash of electric excitement thrumming through Oxx's giant body. "Oh, there will be marks," he promised with a grin. She didn't back down and honesty, she didn't have to. This would be fun either way. The vibrantly colored child had pretty much given Oxx the go ahead to do whatever he wanted with her. So... why disappoint? Did she think that he would spare her because she was young? Hardly. Oxx was a monster. Monsters had no morals. No rules. Monsters ruled with fear and flair and blood and guts. Oxx's maw split in a grin and he practically danced in place, his toes flexing against the soaking wet ground.

Up above the wind squealed as it tore through the sky, sending sheets of stinging rain down upon the pair of wolves. The girl had her silly little cloak, but Oxx was bare to the elements. He had never minded rain. In fact, some of his best work was done in the rain. The beast merely closed his eyes to paper thin slits against the watery onslaught and carried on. Rain wasn't a reason to give up. If anything, it was a reason to carry on. For most, they would either flee or work hurriedly to finish their task and escape the rain. Not Oxx. He wanted to savor every little drop that touched him. Every little reminder that he was alive and in the moment. Would this silly little girl even know what that felt like? Probably not.

Since the girl was so eager to have his teeth in her, Oxx slammed his chest into her again and arced his dangerous maw downward, jaws agape. He aimed to bite into the side of his opponents face and neck, hoping to give her a few nice little scars to remember him by.

"Oxx Carpathius"

Oxx vs Relm for Bites/Spar
Round 1/1
Age: Over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Serrated Teeth - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A

WC- 307
Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.