
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 05:40 PM
Tamsyn very nearly kept walking as Sirius called after her, his attempts to talk to her through her ranting barely heard and what she did hear only made her angrier. Nothing in anything he said was an apology. None of it felt like remorse for what he had done. He only tried to dig at her sympathy as he told her about the state Zee was in, how hurt she had been by her captors, trying to point her attention toward Zee instead of him. Always deflecting, always pointing toward someone and anything else so he wouldn't have to take the blame. Always picking Zee. She stopped herself a few feet away, looking at the ground in front of her with gritted teeth while she tried to decide if he was even worth a moment more of her time. Whatever feelings she might have had for him were burned away, scorched into nothing. She had thought that what he had said and done to her during the Ashen festival had been the last straw, but in reality seeing how he had pushed Deathbelle to the brink the same way he had done to her had solidified it.

She rounded on him, staring daggers at him with furious anger dripping from her words. "How much longer are you going to have me picking up your mess, Sirius?! I gave you everything. When there was nothing left for me to give I still found something to give to you and you just... just threw it away. And now you've done the same to Deathbelle! I can't stand here listening to you beg me to come take care of your wife for you when I'm already busy taking care of your broken mistress!" Tamsyn stopped with an angry huff, shaking her head as she tried to find some semblance of control and failed. She wanted to just send him away, but her worry wouldn't let her. Her damn soft heart couldn't just leave Zee alone knowing that she was in the paws of this dumb, stupid, idiot man that tore apart everything that was ever given to him.

"I'm going to come check on Zee in a few days, but not for you. For her. Only because she saved my life once upon a time and I owe her something for that," she finally added after a long moment of silence, giving a heavy sigh as she looked away from him again. "You're fucking right that your don't deserve any of us. And none of us deserve the heartache you've put us through. It's truly a wonder that Zee hasn't left or killed you yet and honestly I'd respect her more if she did."

Tamsyn Carpathius