
Chick Chat


5 Years
Athena I
08-06-2013, 03:03 PM

Speak of the devil. Not even moments after the thought of Ashtoreth had crossed her mind Meili's ears flicked at the sound of a greeting from the lead huntress. Meili looked back over her shoulder to look at the grey fea, a smile crossing her muzzle. Her teal gaze followed Ash as she came to sit with her in the shade. "Hey, Ash," she replied, her tail waving gently against the ground. Being the social wolf that she was, having friends nearby instantly brought her mood up, but there was still that nagging voice in the back of her mind that kept bringing up all of her problems and bringing down her mood. Meili wondered if the hunter could see that something was bothering her when she asked how things were, but of course it was a very general question. The fea could merely be making conversation. Either way, Meili had to fight the urge to spill her problems to Ash as soon as she asked.

Instead, the little fea rolled her shoulders in a slight shrug as she replied, Things are fine I suppose. I just have a lot on my mind is all." She glanced down at her paws as she thought of Gael, wondering what he was doing, worrying about him senselessly like she always did when she wasn't around him. She knew the young brute was fine, but a little part of her didn't like to believe it unless she had her teal gaze on him. Pulling her eyes back up to the gold and violet gaze of Ashtoreth, smiling as she pushed aside her thoughts. "What about you? How are things?"
