



08-06-2013, 03:12 PM
name,Roulette Bellator

age,One year old


which ref,{Row Four, Wolf 1} Roulette is like the Bellator's main color, only covered in the grays, with a slight reddish tint. Although her colors make her a beauty, Roulette lacks the large size most of her siblings had as a pup. She is not large, not extra large, or not even medium in size. Roulette is a simple small size. Although Roulette's size might be simple, her coloration is far from it. Covered in a almost lavender looking gray, the color makes up most of her fur, and she loves every piece of fur she has. A small white-gray hook of fur rests on her shoulder, and rims her ears and one cheek. It also covers the side of her neck, paws, and a thin line goes across her tail and stomach. Then the color morphs into a darker, reddish tinted fur color that covers her stomach and bottom jaw, not to mention her bottom neck and tail tip. The fur them morphs into the white-gray color, only for a moment. The bellator's eyes are an odd mint green color that only a Margox relative has. The color is like a light leaf, mixed in with the sky to create a beautiful, small wolf.

personality,Roulette does not like any of her Margox siblings, for a strange reason she cannot explain anymore. Roulette is the diva of the family, flirting with wolves until someone gets hurt when they didn't to be hurt. Basically, Roulette is a heartbreaker, flirting with wolves and then moving on to.... Well, moving on to someone else. Despite all the things she does, Roulette will never want a family. If any wolf asks her, she'll say no to them, even the most pretty wolf she would be lucky to be asked to by. Roulette also wants to be the leader of her siblings, even as a mature, small, wary older adult. Right now, Roulette thinks love is stupid, because she is barely an adult herself, and wouldn't understand love. Right now, she thinks love is just a game meant to be played with heartaches and pain, like any other naive young adult her wonderful, curious age. Roulette is a daddy's girl, because she could care less about Magdalene. Roulette wants to be pampered like a little princess and have her own cream slave. Personally, she wants the cream slave to be her eye color sharer, because it would be very neat.

example post,example of how you'd play the character