
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 07:20 PM
Tamsyn's gaze shifted back up to Sirius as he came back with more of his own anger, questioning how he was supposed to fix this when his wife had come back from the dead, saying how he'd give up everything he had if it meant everyone he loved would be happy. She scoffed at that, giving a shake of her head. "No you wouldn't. You never give anything up and you know it. That's how you get into these fucking messes to begin with because you can't just let someone go. You just take and take and hoard all of us to yourself, you possessive bastard." It was an ugly truth, but she was too far gone to care about hurting his feelings or tip toeing around things to keep from shaking something loose in his fragile mental state. She was tired of walking on eggshells and she needed him to know the damage he had done.

"All I want from you now is to take fucking ownership for what you've done, Sirius!" she demanded, stalking toward him again and staring up into his face as she shoved him in the chest again. "Not a single word you've spoken to me through this whole fucking mess has been an apology. There's barely even been a thank you after I'll I've done. You knew how fragile Deathbelle was and yet you still drug her down with you. Did you even apologize to her? Did you apologize to Briar after you attacked her? When I spoke to Aslatiel at the funeral she looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders... Have you apologized to her or thanked her for making sure you stayed afloat?"

She stared up at him accusingly with hard mint eyes. She wasn't the same fragile woman she had been when Zee pulled her back from the brink of throwing herself off a cliff. She had been tested again and again, thrown into the fire more times than she could count. She couldn't give him sympathy any more. "Stop making fucking excuses. Own up to your mistakes. Actually be there for your family instead of just pretending and just hoarding them all around you because you think you can keep them safe. Be. Better." A thought crossed her mind that perhaps made her the most angry of all and she nearly laughed at the audacity of it. "Wait... What have you even been teaching my son?" she added to her list of demands. "He's been gone nearly an entire season and if you couldn't even manage to get a simple message to me then how have you managed to teach him anything? What have you had him doing?"

Tamsyn Carpathius