
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 08:08 PM
She let out a slow sigh through as he began to apologize, seemingly trying to repent for everything he had done over the last few seasons all at once. At this point they were just words that she felt like she had forced out of him but at least it was something. It felt like she had gone on for far too long getting nothing in return for this to make up for all she had given, but perhaps it was a start. She couldn't forgive him and she still wasn't happy, especially not after the fact that she had to drunkenly scream sense into his thick skull to get this far. She also didn't like that he didn't seem to have an answer to the accusations she had about the other women in his life, but she didn't press him on those. She was worn out from tearing into him this much. Every time they crossed paths it was always so draining.

Tamsyn wanted to reach up and shake him when he did all but throw up his hands and give up when he said how he didn't know how to be better. She sighed and sat back onto her haunches again, giving him a frustrated glance. Her anger had simmered some, but it was still very much present. At the very least she was able to sit and not yell quite so much. "It's not that difficult to just be supportive and not smothering to those around you. It's not that difficult to pay attention to the ones that actually matter. It's not difficult to just acknowledge when you're wrong and apologize for what you've done. But you get so caught up in yourself, so fixated on one thing, that its like... It feels like you tear apart everything else to feel like you're fixing one thing. You can't keep doing this. Soon enough you're going to be left with nothing in your attempts to have everything."

She was glad to hear that Artorias was doing well, that he was knowledgeable in all of these things, and a little proud smirk touched her lips when he admitted that he had bested Sirius in a spar. She couldn't disagree that Artorias was special and that she also hoped that he got the best of all of them, but what got to her was that he still hadn't said something that they had done that was any different from what he had already been doing here. "But what have you done with him?" she questioned, ever the protective mother demanding answers for her child. "I didn't want him to go. I asked him not to. So I would like to know what he has been doing with you for a season to justify why I've had to be without my son."

Tamsyn Carpathius