
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 09:06 PM
She gave a little shake of her head as he talked about how he did indeed fixate on things, saying how he had to keep everyone happy as their alpha and he couldn't stop caring. "I don't want you to stop caring. I don't want you to stop trying to find happiness for your wolves. Just... Think more before you leap. Consider the happiness of everyone involved and balance things before you fixate on fixing one thing." The mess with Deathbelle was far beyond any sort of reasonable outcome at this point, but she could think of a dozen other times that just a little more thought and consideration would have done a world of good.

He finally did give her a few more details of how this training program had gone with the lack of other participants and dealing with the destruction of their winter supplies. She tried to take into account that apparently Zee had reappeared some time in the middle of this and she was sure the time with Deathbelle happened within the last season as well on top of what seemed like a pretty disastrous loss of supplies as she judged the things that he had been doing with Artorias. She supposed knowing how to make a trade was good, but that still wasn't something that she felt was special to training with Sirius. The only thing she took away from it was that Artorias had been put to work helping organize their supplies and he had gotten some fighting training.

She raised a brow when he mentioned him getting close with Briar and then stopped, seemingly remembering something and then continuing on about just how close their children had gotten. She blinked with surprise when he told her that he had caught them in the act and had apparently scolded them for it, telling them not to do such things until they were no longer yearlings and inviting her to do the same when she saw her son. A little smirk twitched at her lips and she did her very best to keep the laughter bubbling up in her chest at bay, but she ultimately failed. She snickered and giggled, the giggles growing into full on laughter as she imagined the look on Sirius' face when he walked in on Artorias and Briar, dissolving away some of her anger at the ridiculousness of it all.

As she got herself back under control she shook her head at him with a smirk. "Give them some slack, Sirius," she insisted. "They're young, they're just exploring things and trying things out... There's no harm in that. Besides... Wouldn't you rather they get that curiosity out of their systems now before Briar hits her first heat and ends up with pups before she ever learns the fun of these things?" She knew Sirius probably wouldn't agree with her on this, but she felt like she had the rational view of the two of them.

Tamsyn Carpathius