
Drunken Therapy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-19-2021, 11:53 PM
Tamsyn gave another little shake of her head and scoffed when he spoke about sex being bad for "developing bodies". "They're not children, Sirius. And you're right about one thing. You're not a healer. And you're also not a woman." She gave a small shrug, adding, "All I'm saying is that you shouldn't shame or punish them for just following their instincts and their hormones. They're smart kids, give them some credit. I think if they're old enough to be entrusted with pack duties and learning about the world and how to lead other wolves then they're also old enough to be fooling around a little bit." She chuckled softly, smirking at this man that always took everything in his life so seriously. Everything was hard shades of black and white with him. It always had been. "Obviously I'm not Briar's parent and I will have another conversation with Art when he gets home, but... Just don't be so strict on the girl. If you're even half as strict on her as you were on me as your General I can only imagine how she must be feeling."

As Sirius went on, talking about how winter was just around the corner and the path their children's futures would take in the coming seasons, he really began to emphasize how their lives were permanently intertwined because of their pups and the love they shared. It was a fact she had known and was simply trying to ignore the same way she had been ignoring the damage he had done with the way he handled things. "I can't promise not to hate you," she told him honestly, the amusement gone from her face. "The pain you've caused - not only to me, but to others I care about - runs too deep for me to just forgive you... especially right now." She sighed, her ears flicking uncertainly. "I can be civil for their sake, but that's all I can promise." If she didn't have such a deep desire to see Artorias happy she might have cut the Warlord off completely, but she knew that if she did anything to come between him and Briar she would never be able to live with herself. "I'm glad they're doing well together," she said softly, glancing away. "Artorias told me that Briar had broken up with him before he left here, but I haven't gotten to see him since then so I wasn't sure how they were getting on... It sounds like they've mended things at least. I was worried for them."

Tamsyn Carpathius