
Every comfort



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
08-20-2021, 12:41 AM
"He does... in his own way," she agreed with a small nod while she watched Lia work down the length of her leg toward her paws. She never really doubted that her father loved her, it was just the ways in which he showed his love that was sometimes the problem. At the end of the day he was her father and she was his daughter and she obviously loved him dearly, but that part of her that craved freedom and independence to make her own choices was almost as equally strong as her love for her family. It was a tough balancing act she played often with herself, but it wasn't one she would really have much say over until she was old enough to force her father to consider her an adult.

As Lia described the ship she had been brought on with the dozens of other slaves and marauders along with all kinds of supplies, Briar listened intently while the picture was painted for her. It was difficult for her to imagine what something that big would look like - or what a ship would look like in general really - but it was fun to imagine and she liked hearing about the place she had lived in before that was warmer than where she had been kept in the north. "It hasn't been much warmer around here than in the north I'm afraid," she said with a small huff. "The last winter drug on forever and it was really only in the last season or so that things have started to get back to normal, but now we're going to be going into winter again soon." She frowned at that. She was someone who most certainly hated the cold weather so the frequency of it for a large portion of her life wasn't an enjoyable experience. "The Hallows is in the southern continent though so it's generally a good bit warmer there thank goodness. Last winter I went and stayed with Artorias pretty often to escape the cold."

Talking about Artorias brought another smile back to her face while Lia worked on her paws, massaging the pads of her feet. He had done so much for her. Loved her, cherished her, supported her through all of the trauma of her family, helped teach her how to fight, build her confidence... And now he had given her Lia who she hoped could be her friend eventually once she wore down the proper slave etiquette she seemed determined to follow. It was only their first day together though so there was still lots of time. Thinking about Art and all of the things he had done made her think of how she usually tried to repay him and the slip of the tongue Lia had earlier about being trained in ways of pleasure made her curious and she smirked a little, giving Lia a shy, curious smile. "Um... Lia... What you said before about knowing pleasure and things..." She giggled softly, feeling like she was sharing secrets with someone for the first time in her life, feeling incredibly girly with this little sleepover they had accidentally created. "So, lets just say I wanted to do stuff like that for someone... Is there any... tips you'd give me?"

"Briar Fatalis"