
Wish I'd been a teenage rebel




3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-20-2021, 11:27 AM
Chrystelle smiled softly with understanding as Asla explained how they had found each other when they both had sadness to share in, giving a small nod. She'd never forget how Ocean had been when she first found him out by the wall near Incindium. Cut up and broken, physically and mentally. They had clung together as he suffered through his heartache and she grappled with their illness and thanks to Aslatiel it seemed like they had a solution for both. She smiled a little brighter with a bit of shyness to her expression when Asla confirmed that they liked each other. "Good... I'm glad," she replied as she looked back down at her tea and gently stirred it with a small stick. She already knew how Ocean felt so it was good to hear that it was mutual.

She glanced up at Asla with a bit of surprise when she talked about how she thought Ocean might be different when they met again and Chrys chuckled softly, giving a small nod. "He's always been that way. The kindest and sweetest of all of us I think." None of her siblings were really mean spirited in any way, but Ocean had always been so sweet and gentle despite his size and stature. She knew that it was partially just fate that they ended up getting so close while the rest of their siblings drifted apart, but they did sometimes feel like kindred spirits with the way they saw the world.

Chrystelle's gaze popped back up to Asla's when the smaller woman questioned her about relationships and steamy kisses and her face immediately flushed with embarrassment, a shy grin pulling across her features while her gaze shifted away with a giggle. "O-oh! No... No, I've never done anything like that," she insisted between giggles, her ears folding back as she cleared her throat a bit and fidgeted with her tea. She felt the need to try and keep her paws busy so she started unwrapping the honey Asla had brought since the tea was just about ready, but she couldn't keep the sheepish grin from her features. "I um... I didn't really talk to much of anyone in our pack before so... Not much chance for kisses I guess."
