
Everything I Ever Wanted

Avacyn and Saracyn Birth



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-20-2021, 12:03 PM

Manea returned the affectionate nuzzles that Alastor gave her while they shared this moment of pure bliss, lost in the relief and joy they both shared. She had been caught off guard by how strong and instant the bond with her children had been. The moment she laid eyes on each of them she had loved them with all her heart. In reality her love and obsession with them had begun long before that, but it made a little worry creep into the back of her mind. How was she going to fulfill the duty she must complete to keep her family true to their beliefs without ripping Alastor and herself apart? Seeing the joy in his face when he saw them and the gentle way this behemoth of a demon doted on his children stabbed at her heart. It wasn't a problem she would need to worry about for another year at least, but it was something that was now planted in the back of her mind as she dreamed forward to the future.

As they laid cuddled together for the first time as a complete family, a soft glow coming from near the entrance of the den pulled her attention and the glanced out toward the fire that Irilyth had gotten started for them, offering them a bit more light to see by. She returned her gaze to their children that had gotten their fill of their first meal and were now drowsy and sleepy as puppies tended to be. She curled a careful paw around their daughter, their first born, and lifted the sleepy girl into the light so she could get a better look at her swirling, galactic markings. She held a lot of the same purples as herself, but there was also hints of blues and indigos that added even more depth and Alastor's black was threaded throughout. The intricate white marking around her eye still glowed, but not quite as noticeably as it had been in the almost pitch darkness. Now that she could see the girl more properly she could see the hard, scaled patches on her tiny shoulders and forelegs where the fluffy puppy fur hadn't grown in, looking almost like plates of armor on an armadillo. "She has my paws and horns," she said adoringly, giving one of her paws that was too big for her little body a loving kiss.

Placing her back down she lifted their boy with a chuckle, feeling the significant difference in their size and weight. "And now this little demon..." she said with a grin, lifting the boy into the light and revealing his extremely similar patterns except done up in Alastor's black and red. It wasn't a flat red though, it was all dimensions of the color with hints of orange mixed in and the white marking on his eye seemed almost like flames. "You're going to take after your father, aren't you?" she cooed, gently nuzzling is little cheek with her nose. She was smitten. Absolutely smitten. Even if she didn't notice any particular mutations right now, she knew that there could sometimes be traits that revealed themselves later. She was eager to see their little fire child grow, the rare and special twin that surprised them all.

Placing him back next to his sister, she curled her body around them and looked back toward Alastor to give him another kiss. "You should go have Irilyth tend to your wounds," she told her husband with a smile. She gave his nose an affectionate lick, adding, "Thank you for suffering with me. It means the world that you were with me through this." So many times she had seen the brutes her sisters and aunts and cousins chose be squeamish or spineless when it came to birth and pups. Alastor had stuck through every moment with her, let her rip apart his legs in her pain, and had been willing to stick beside her while she completed her ceremony even though it wasn't necessary this time around. She owed him everything for that. She glanced toward the bites and tears she had given him with a little smirk before going to rest her head on her paws beside their children. "Try not to break Irilyth, would you? She's quite a fantastic midwife and handmaiden - I would be very upset if I lost her." She was well aware of what pain and blood did to her husband and she wasn't oblivious to what Irilyth's duties would consist of while her own body recovered from birthing these two beautiful children. All she could really ask is that she still have a handmaiden at the end of it.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny