
Transparent Soul




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-20-2021, 03:14 PM
Briar smiled and offered her greeting in return, he’d never really done anything or invited her anywhere in her time within the cozy den. She paused for a moment after he asked his question and he thought she would probably deny him, with a quick turn of her body and affirmative nod she agreed. Hikaru was pleasantly surprised that she accepted. With a shocked grin he wagged his dusty tail. "Excellent! I’ll return in just a moment.” He added with a quick dip of his head as he rushed into the den. He knew where every little thing was kept and swiftly went to the nicely stored absorbent furs. Hikaru grabbed a couple in case Briar wanted to get in, and his favorite soap before returning to her. (No he didn’t forget to wipe his paws when he went inside.)

He trotted along beside her, though her stride wasn’t quite as difficult to keep up with. They had been living in the same den for a while, though it seemed most of the time she was far too occupied with the Hallows boy. He hadn’t really tried to bother her up until now. Though she was welcome whenever he set up a dinner that might have been out of the ordinary. Still, he didn’t really know this sister of Mortis. She asked about his closeness to Mort, something that had become natural for him.

Hikaru shrugged in response, his confidence had been given quite a blow after Mort’s well intentioned suggestion. "I’ve been all up and down the two continents with him. I’ve never had a better friend.” He offered a half grin as they neared the shore. He laid the towels over a low hanging branch and scrubbed a smaller one with soap. He left the bar under the towels and turned back to the water. "You have such a caring brother,” Hika reminded her with a soft smile as he waded out into the water.
