
The only language I am fluent in



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-20-2021, 05:46 PM

There would be no peace for her.

It had started as a whisper on the breeze, familiar, yet foreign. She had swum to Ibis Island, nothing to be found. If her family couldn’t be found there, then perhaps they had been scattered to the wind, just as she had. It seemed fitting, she supposed and so the darkness had swallowed her up once again, a wraith haunting the Island where her family once lived until one day she threw herself back into the ocean. She was skin and bone and unkempt fur. The distance and the currents very well could have killed her, but in a cruel twist of fate they failed to, the waves dumping her on the shore, rejecting her offer of sacrifice again. The Gods were cruel.

She had hidden when others approached, and when she had thought to make her presence known, her long disused voice had failed her, until she thought better of it and just stayed hidden. What would the living want with a ghost like her anyway? A curse. She’d only bring destruction to any who took pity on her, she knew. That was until…

The scent curled toward her like a beckoning finger, wrapping around her throat and dragging her closer like a chain. Her body leaned back, but her legs walked forward and the closer she cringed into the ground, wishing it would just swallow her up, the tighter her throat felt. Tears threatened to well in the corners of her eyes. She hadn’t dared to hope… But here it was. A wall of scent that told her, not all had been lost. Maybe she could be saved too?

She tipped back her head, a strangled sound leaving her throat, more a scream than a howl, her throat hoarse from disuse. I’m alive. I’m alive. I’m alive.


for our souls in the ocean together will be
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]