
I must be gettin' too flashy


"Helen of Koi"


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6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-20-2021, 06:20 PM

Hanako padded through the Plains, feeling a smidge of guilt as she narrowed in on Sedna's den. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd seen the grey pelted healer, let alone actually had a conversation with her and caught up. So much had happened in what felt like such a short period of time, the past a series of flashed through her mind, with many memories she tried not to linger on too much. Beyond all that, the reason she was seeking out her friend wasn't exactly a selfless one, out of all the healers in the Armada she was the one Hanako trusted the most. Both to treat her right and not blab about her personal business.

Still it was a little... This wasn't embarrassing, since Hanako felt no shame about what she'd done-and what she'd continue to do, quite merrily- but the thought of asking even Sedna wasn't at the top of her list of things she wanted to do. In fact, it was quite far down the list, right on the other side of the page on the furthest edge. Some ways above telling Sirius herself that she was boning his son. She shuddered at the thought. Of course it had to be done, for more reasons than she cared to count, but there was no reason not to pretend this was anything but unpleasant.

Approaching on dainty paws, she stopped before the lip of the den and gently cleared her throat as she tapped at the archway. From the smell of it someone was inside, so she felt safe to peer in a little and call out for her Archer friend.

"Hey Sedna, you free?"
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