
Put On a Show

Alastor (Seasonal)



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-20-2021, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2021, 01:11 AM by Manea. Edited 2 times in total.)
She supposed that other new mothers might take more time to relax and recover before jumping back into things like training and hunts after giving birth, but with the plans she had in store for there future there wasn't a moment she could waste. Even if she did have time to waste the idea of laying around in the den doing nothing - even if it was to stare at her stunning children - sounded horrendous. She took a couple of weeks to recuperate and be there to make sure her pups had every meal they needed, but once they opened their eyes and her wobbling around the den on their own then she was ready to get back to work. "Alastor, come fight with me," she demanded with a smirk, catching his lips in a quick kiss as she pulled him away from their children for at least a moment. While she was hungry to get back to work and start giving their children an example to follow, she was pretty sure she could leave him here playing with their puppies for the rest of his life and he would be content. Watching how he interacted with them and doted on them was truly one of the most entertaining and adorable things she had ever witnessed and it just made her love him all the more with each passing day if that was even possible.

She attempted to pull on her armor, but the tightly fitted chest piece didn't have enough give to account for her body that hadn't quite gone back to normal just yet. She knew her body would never quite be the same after giving birth, but she would most certainly regain most of her figure with her training and hunting that she would be doing heavily int he days to come. Perhaps it was for the best that she couldn't wear her armor. As she got ready to walk out of the den it began to mist and drizzle and the last thing she wanted was for the steel scales of her armor to begin to rust. Manea grinned as she looked back toward the den, spotting the blue and black eyes of Avacyn and Saracyn watching them from the protection of the cave, staying just inside the entrance as they had been told. "Stay there, my darlings. Sit and watch your father and I train, alright?" The drizzle was steadily building into a cool rain, something that had been a common feature of their nearly daily lives this autumn. She walked a few feet away from the den and turned to face her husband with an eager grin on her lips. "I don't think we've fought since the day I gave you became my husband," she told him with a chuckle, rolling her shoulders and flexing her legs to begin warming her muscles for their fight.

WC: 482/1500

Manea | Temno | Ciemny