
Everything I Ever Wanted

Avacyn and Saracyn Birth


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-20-2021, 11:48 PM

Warming light began to brighten the dark den as Irilyth got the fire started just outside the entrance. Bathed in the orange glow, Alastor was able to better see his children while Manea lifted each one individually to inspect their little glowing babies once they had finished eating and were half asleep. The little purple girl came first, taking very obviously after her mother with her rich violet fur, budding horns, and leonine paws. He gazed lovingly at the little ball of fur and fat, already imagining how her beauty would be radiant and heart stopping if she was anything like her mother. "She has your beauty too," he added in with a husky chuckle. "She's going to have no shortage of suitors knocking at our door." And he was already preparing to have to bury a few bodies of any boys that decided to get a little too bold with his precious daughter. There could be no doubt that Avacyn was going to be daddy's little girl, his princess.

Abyssal black eyes watched as she exchanged the pups out, lifting and inspecting their son now. Alastor grinned widely at his son as the larger fuzzball began to give more of a fuss at being lifted, kicking tiny limbs out and squealing in defiance. "He has my temper, that's for sure!" Alastor remarked with a laugh. Dark eyes sparkled as he looked over Saracyn, his handsome son who would no doubt bear his father's confidence and bravado. His little fire born son with fur that shimmered dazzling hues of reds and oranges as if he were made of living flame. Alastor snickered when Manea made a comment about Saracyn taking after him. "Ah, sorry, son. Guess you'll just have to make up for it by being a charming rogue like your old man too!" Saracyn, his special little boy, the one he had feared would have been chosen for slaughter for his lack of mutations, had been saved by Alastor's curse. Saracyn would always be Alastor's little death-defier.

The fire-kissed brute, who was always smiling anyway, wore the most genuine grin of happiness he'd ever felt in his life when he watched his mate curl around their beautiful children. He was eager to return her kiss, her comment about having Irilyth tend to his wounds reminding him of the steady drip of blood flowing down his leg from Manea's outbursts. "I made you a promise," he replied, returning the loving lick to the end of her nose. "I said I would be here with you through all of it. I keep my word." Although it had been more than a little difficult with the arousing pain and scent of blood to keep still when all his brain wanted to do was bite and fuck. Now that the adrenaline rush of the birth was over, those urges were coming back strong as ever. He did agree that he would need Irilyth though—in more ways than one, as the heated desire had stirred parts of him ready to action already. Rising with a grunt, Alastor walked a little stiff-legged out of the bedchamber in search of Manea's handmaiden, a salacious gleam in his eyes as he sought two forms of relief. Manea's call not to break Irilyth was met with a devilish grin from the dark brute, and then he stalked out of the cave, following the fae's lingering scent of heat. A few moments later, Alastor's growls and Irilyth's pained cries came echoing back into the den. Now was a time for celebration, and Alastor partied in the ways he knew best.

Once Alastor was finished, he carried the limp and well used fae back into the den and plopped her drop carefully onto her bedding before silently creeping back into bed with Manea. He smiled down at his family while he curled around Manea, smelling of sex and blood and entirely satisfied, a content grin on his face. Snuggling up with his wife and children, he gave the back of her neck a few loving licks to settle her into gentle slumber. "I love you," he whispered into one dark purple ear, peering down at his sleeping pups before closing his eyes as well. "All of you."


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
