
To the new parent



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-21-2021, 01:11 AM
Chimera had been in such a good mood while she was massaging those sculpted muscles hidden beneath plus, luxurious fur, she had almost put him to sleep. That was all ruined the moment she congratulated him, her words barely leaving her lips before Chimera was rising to his full height and sending her sprawling across the den floor. She gasped and gazed in alarm up at her massive master when he growled out a demand to know what she was talking about. Her mouth opened as if to speak, but no words came out, she was too stunned speechless. He hadn't known. Somehow, he hadn't known his own mate was pregnant. She'd let slip the truth without even knowing what she'd done!

He bared his teeth as he snarled out that he didn't give a damn about "useless spawn" as he put them, heading for the door in a hurry. Ali watched him go, still belly up on the ground in submission, tail curled between her legs and ears flat to her skull. She didn't begin to move from that position until he was almost out—but then he stopped and rounded on her again, fixing her with a death glare. Ali's breathing stopped, Chimera's icy threat piercing her through the gut. She didn't even have the faculties to respond verbally, instead bowing her head and nodding quickly to his demand. She would not get pregnant, especially not after she'd seen the rage in his eyes. Viper may have had the balls to defy Chimera so blatantly like that, but she would not, could not risk it. Not that she desired to be a mother anyway. She would be the least qualified mother in the world, given her upbringing. Ali made a mental note to ensure she had plenty of contraceptive herbs growing, especially at the rate in which Chimera enjoyed her and with her first season fast approaching.

Only once he was gone did Ali breathe a sigh of relief, unfolding herself and rising to her paws, though it was difficult to do when she was still shaken from his sudden outburst. She'd never seen Chimera that angry before. Gods, did she pity Viper in this moment. So sorry, Lady Viper... I didn't mean to make your life more difficult...


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.