
It's what is expected of me



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-21-2021, 01:29 AM
Aliana did her best to lie as still as possible so as not to make Siren's work any more difficult. She truly appreciated the young fae's assistance in keeping her mended and healthy. She would have found it deeply regrettable to have her life cut so short this soon after her liberation from the slavers. Siren flushed the wound with some alcohol, the forewarned sting of the antiseptic agent making her wince, but that was it. The pain was nothing compared to how Chimera's shark-like teeth had felt sawing through her tender flesh while he'd fucked her raw. Siren began to sew with practiced paws, stitching up the wound so it may heal properly. The caramel-hued woman commented how she knew she was appreciative and that reassured Ali that nothing bad would make its way back to Chimera, allowing her to breathe a sigh of relief.

Siren explained how Chimera had always been unpredictable, how she hoped he wouldn't kill her. Hoped. She hoped he wouldn't kill her. Ali drew in a stuttering breath while she tried not to think too much about how it would feel if those serrated teeth of his ever nicked an artery. Would bleeding out like that in his arms feel mercifully fast or painfully slow? Would he even care enough to stop having his way with her if he saw her dying, or would he fuck her until she was nothing but a warm corpse in his grasp? Would he feel any bit of remorse? No, probably not... she was nothing but propter to him, after all. Just a tool to be used, abused, broken, and replaced. "I sincerely hope you are right, Lady Siren..." she agreed, and let the topic die.

Siren finished her sutures not long after that, the wound still raw and tender, but closed and no longer bleeding profusely down her back. Looking back up over her shoulder to Siren, Aliana offered her savior a small but grateful smile. "Thank you, My Lady," she spoke softly and plainly so as to avoid letting any pain enter her voice. Ali got to her paws slowly, still feeling woozy from the blood loss. She would get herself a meal to replenish her lost blood and then rest until she could begin to work again. As Ali headed for the door, she paused, lingering in the entryway as a thought crossed her mind. "I hope it's not too out of my place to say, Lady Siren, but I am glad Master Chimera has you in his life." She gave a little smile to Siren. "If this is how he is with your stability in his life, I'd dread to see what he'd be like without you." With that task done, Ali made her way back towards Chimera's den, intent on getting some much needed food and some rest.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.