
Go on, take your money and run


08-07-2013, 09:11 AM


Pale ivory paws carried the fea down along the bank of the huge river, her nose still ever searching has it had been for several weeks now. She had engraved the scents of her little friend's family in her brain before she had left all that time ago and since then that had been her focus. She had wandered all over Alacritis, met so many wolves, but she hadn't found a single trace of his family. It was like they had simply vanished into thin air. With a heavy heart, she traveled back down to the southern tip of Alacritis. Telling Talon she had failed was not something she was looking forward to. Having to look into his hopeful gaze and tell him that they were gone was the last thing she wanted to do, but it seemed that it was unavoidable.

When she felt like she was near enough to the Seracian border for Talon to hear her, she slowed to a stop. Now that she was a member of Glaciem, she didn't feel completely comfortable getting too near the other pack's territory so she hopped this was close enough that it wouldn't be too awful of a walk for him. Gathering her courage, she lifted her muzzle to toward the sky, letting loose a long, loud call for her three-legged friend. Her voice tapered off into silence and she sat back on her haunches, her emerald gaze watching carefully for him. She had missed him very much and worried about him, wondering if they young boy had been really okay on his own.