
Catch and Don't Release




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-21-2021, 12:19 PM
Manea grinned in return at the brute's laughter to her questions and gave an approving nod when he agreed to the the brute force way of hunting. There was something to be said about having the patience and skill to calmly stalk and trap prey, but it had been weeks and weeks since she had gotten to have any good blood shed so she was eager for a good hunt. "Lets," she agreed with a smirk and followed beside him out across the prairie through the taller grasses. As they drew closer she separated a bit, snaking her way through the hills and dips of the land as they made their way toward the herd.

She found a dip where she could hide within running distance of the closest animal and then fixed her gaze on her momentary hunting companion to wait for his signal. As soon as he gave her a nod she nodded back in return and then she was off. She ran hard toward the herd just a few feet separated from the steel gray, speckled man, grinning at the feeling of her muscles pulling and her heart pumping. She had throughly enjoyed her pregnancy and every single moment spent with her children was worth it, but gods how she had missed this.

Once they were within range of the herd the sound of their beating paws gave them away and the striped horses began to stampede and break away from them with startled yelping noises. Her eyes locked on to one as a small cluster of them made the mistake of breaking away from the main herd to avoid a lone tree that was in their path. She gave her hunting partner a bark to get his attention and then sprinted toward the prey at the back of this cluster before it had a chance to rejoin the herd and sprung forward, hooking her deadly claws into its rump and toppling it down to the ground. She made sure to stay toward its back once she came down to the ground with it to avoid its flailing legs. She quickly rolled back to her feet and repositioned her paw that had been hooked into the side that was now on the ground so that she could claw into its stomach, pressing into its side with her weight to help keep it pinned down.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny