
Put On a Show

Alastor (Seasonal)


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-21-2021, 12:19 PM

The den was filled not only with energetic little puppy yips and grunts, but also the bellowing laughter of a fully grown brute. Alastor found himself upside down spread out across the common area with his two children clambering all over his massive body. In the couple of weeks they'd been alive, Avacyn and Saracyn had both grown tremendously, their limbs filling out more to allow them to stand and move without tumbling over every other step, and their eyes—stunning ice blue and beautiful abyssal black—had opened to see their world. They were perfect, absolutely perfect, and with his new family complete, Alastor felt like a brand new wolf.

He glanced up at Manea with a huge smile on his face while she came up to him, then blinked in surprise when she demanded a fight and kissed him. "Uh, okay!" he responded simply, carefully extricating himself from beneath their puppies to roll onto his paws and follow his wife outside into the misting rain. He watched from the mouth of the cave for a moment while Manea struggled to put her armor on, noticing how it didn't quite fit around her right anymore. A salacious grin played on his lips while shark-like eyes roamed over her body. Pregnancy had done wonders for her, giving Manea's already killer body the form of a fertility goddess given flesh, buxom and shapely especially around her chest and hips. It was almost enough for Alastor to forego their fight and find another form of physical activity with her instead.

He obeyed her demands, however, and when Manea abandoned her efforts to join him in the rain, Alastor led the way down the slope of their home to the flat terrain around the base. He glanced up at the curious eyes of his children and gave them a wink while Manea commanded they stay inside. Feeling the cool dampness of the rain on his pelt felt amazing, the brute's muscled form stretching to limber himself up for the spar. He grinned at his wife. "No, I don't believe we have!" he said and realized she was right. Besides the times he'd spilled her blood in the throes of passion, the only time they'd fought was during the wedding ceremony. That needed to change. Alastor shook his body to fluff out his coat, then braced himself in a fighting stance against Manea, wicked fangs shown off in a toothy grin. "Whenever the lady is ready!"

WC: 410
Total: 892 / 1500


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
