
Old things made new



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-21-2021, 05:10 PM
Tamsyn grinned at his sweet comment as their lips parted, her tail wagging gently as he went around and placed the few things he had in various parts of the room. Seeing him here like this, watching the room change in small ways. An extra fur here, some tools placed over there... It was such small things that someone that didn't live in this room and didn't know every detail of its layout they may not have even noticed, but she did. It was surreal in some ways to be sharing this space again after so long, but it also felt like a breath of fresh air. It was easier to focus on him to keep her mind from drifting to the memories that plagued her nightmares for so long and the more happy memories she made her the more she could push the others into the past. There were some things she would always keep in the front of her mind like the night that she and Resin had laid in front of the fire while Resin told her stories about her past, but the dark, horrific thoughts of being attacked here could be pushed away into the farthest reaches of her mind as far as she was concerned.

When Kane asked her about her family and their opinion about him moving in - especially Artorias - she chuckled softly and gave a little shake of her head. "It's not you. Artorias won't like anyone that I try to be with so don't take any offense with him." She padded over to where he was standing, leaning into his side as he finished putting away the last of his things. "I don't think you'll have much issue from anyone else. Rudyard is more easy going and Gwynevere already likes you quite a bit. Avantika is fairly shy, but I don't foresee her making any kind of fuss. Artorias will come around eventually." As she was listing off her children she began to realize just how many of them had drifted away. "I wish they were all here for you to meet," she added with a sad smile, settling down onto her haunches. "Daphne and Bowen went missing some time ago and Grimshaw left after Ulric took over the pack." She gave a little shrug, glancing toward one of the windows as she tried to brush off how much that weighed on her. "I wish they were all puppies again so I could keep them all close and protect them. It's hard seeing them grow up and move on to other things."

Tamsyn Carpathius