
My Way Back To You


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-21-2021, 09:34 PM
Tamsyn kept looking at her daughter's face in over joyed disbelief even as she wiped away her own tears and Bowen's. She had matured so much since the last time she saw her, a sad pang ringing in her chest at the thought of how much time she had lost. It was hard to not try to hold all her children tight and close to her to keep them from slipping away, but she didn't want to smother them. However, as she listened to Bowen explain how she had gotten lost and eventually captured while trying to find one of their lost alpacas that's all she wanted to do. Her ears flicked worriedly at the story that she was sure hardly even scratched the surface of what she had been through.

She hadn't even considered what had happened in the time since Bowen went missing, but as she felt her daughter's paw on her scarred cheek she was reminded and her expression fell with the realization that she would have to break the horrible news to her daughter. But she wouldn't do it here or now. Something as important as the news of her other mother's fate couldn't just be dropped on her at the border of the pack. "Come on, lets... Lets go back to the castle and I'll tell you," she said with a small smile, dipping her head to kiss tenderly between Bowen's ears before getting to her paws to lead the way back to the castle.

She lead Bowen through the courtyard and brought her to a cluster of shade trees in one of the corners, settling under one of them and waiting for Bowen to join her. For a long moment she really didn't know where to begin. She rested one of her paws over Bowen's, feeling as if she needed to touch her to reassure herself that she was real. She noticed the leather bracer that wound around Bowen's leg, but she didn't question it, too caught up in her own thoughts. She tried to think of some positives that she could tell her daughter, but nothing would be able to outweigh the bad.

"Bowen, your mother... Resin... She became very ill. She wasn't herself and during one of those episodes she... she did this," she explained as gently as she could, motioning to her scars with her other paw. "Resin passed away in an attack on the pack... I'm... I'm sorry you had to find out this way," she said softly, gently squeezing Bowen's paw in hers as tears collected in her eyes again, the memories of it all dancing through her mind in bits and pieces. "I'm glad you didn't have to see her like that, but..." What else could she say? She wished none of her children would have had to see their mother waste away, but there was still something to be said about being able to say goodbye.

Tamsyn Carpathius