
Make it stop!



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
08-21-2021, 11:33 PM
((Set right after Potential Breakup Song, chronologically shortly before Zee's return to the Armada))

Mojito's paws carried him over the border line and further and further away from the pack. He wasn't going to go so far that he couldn't hear a summon if he had to return home but the last thing he wanted right now was to return to that empty shack and Hoa's questioning gaze. Some part of him had wanted to see out his daughter, but he wasn't sure he could face her right now either. He wanted the friend he'd pushed away, the only friend he had in the whole fucking world and he'd shoved her away? And for what? Because his feelings were hurt?

No... it hadn't been for reasons so petty... but then why did he feel like a piece of shit? Mojito finally stopped, the cold of the mist seeping into his being as he finally found his paws stopping. The dark of the forest felt thematic somehow, like the chill that settled into his fur was the cold he'd felt when Asla had gotten up and walked away. There was an eerie silence, all signs of life muffled by the unnatural fog. It was enough for him to finally vocalize! The sound that escaped him first was an anguished yell, the next things a string of expletives. He rammed his horns into the nearest tree, scrapping them back and forth until he'd stripped a section of the tree bare and only then did he finally draw silent. The strength leaving him and he slid down onto his haunches, horns still pressed to the unyielding flora and his shoulders shaking as he cried, jaw clenching and eyes screwed shut.

Hed really fucked up this time.


Image by Ulfeid3
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.