
Every comfort



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
08-22-2021, 01:28 AM
Her ears perked with interested as Lia suggested that she could make a soak for her paws and she smiled at the idea, giving an eager nod. "That would be lovely! I'm sure it feels great. Of course just the massaging feels good too." She had never had anyone give her a massage before, but she especially hadn't had anyone pay such close attention to her paw pads before and it felt really nice. Her paws were one of those things she never really thought about. They were calloused enough that long days of scouting or patrols never really affected her much any more. She chuckled softly and grinned when Lia mentioned how The Hallows sounded perfect. She certainly couldn't disagree. "It really is... I can't wait to live there. They stay in a huge castle and there's a really tall tower where you can see everything for miles. I can't wait to show you it all, you'll love it. And it overlooks the ocean!" she added, knowing how much Lia had enjoyed seeing it during their tour earlier.

As the conversation shifted to her shy questions about pleasure and the skills to do those sorts of things well, she saw her handmaiden tilt her head with consideration for a moment. She wasn't really sure what kind of answer she had been expecting, but the offer she received to show her those things instead was certainly not it. She blinked with shock at the suggestion and was too busy reeling from it and trying to form an answer to notice Lia's paw tracing up her foreleg and down along her side until she was already near her stomach and Briar's face flushed bright red as she shifted away with an embarrassed giggle, giving a fast shake of her head. "Oh no no no... Um... No, sorry, that's not what I meant," she said in a rush, her ears pinned back against her head as she glanced at Lia shyly with a slightly nervous smile. "I don't, um... I don't want to do that stuff now I just, you know... I like to do that kind of stuff with Artorias sometimes and we've figured out some stuff I guess but I didn't know if there was ways to... do stuff better?" The more she said the more her face burned and she finally just giggled and gave another shake of her head. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked, that's super embarrassing!"

"Briar Fatalis"