
oh making bad decisions



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-22-2021, 03:25 PM
Siren’s heart fell further as emotion overwhelmed her. Guilt and shame weighed heavily on her shoulders. She spoke what words would come and careful paws were frozen against her as Dalila easily put the pieces of the puzzle together. Like the two of them had shifted places when she confessed about Chimera not so long ago. Siren couldn’t bring herself to look up at Dalila, her silence made Siren’s heart stop. She closed her eyes, determined not to cry. She grit her teeth and buried her face in her paws as Dalila’s examination continued lower. She flinched and whimpered softly as Dalila’s paws traced her thighs and her sore hips. She felt the pause as Dalila’s eyes no doubt could see what she went through. Her pelt was unblemished, but beneath the surface she was bruised and worse.

Dalila stood up after that, Siren felt a terrible hollowness inside of her. Like her stomach had fallen out of its place and her heart had jumped to her throat. Her lungs clung to her ribs and her breathing suffered for it. What she suffered through had been a living nightmare, but the thought that Dalila thought less of her was even more devastating. She hadn’t wanted this, but she couldn’t have told Tiberius no, and she wondered if she had what else might have happened to her.

"I couldn’t say no.” She spoke quietly. There was no greater honor than serving a river god but she hadn’t wanted it. Siren loved Dalila, she was the one who knew her intimately, she was the one who slept beside her and cared for her everyday. She was the one she wanted to share that with, not the demon that had used her. Tears threatened her eyes again and her throat grew tight. She hid her face, and tried to hold in everything that wanted to pour out.

"Siren Primrose Klein"