
Silver Moonlight

Lil ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-22-2021, 06:55 PM

The castle was silent, not a sound to be made in any of the corridors this late. The Hallowed lands were quiet and peaceful in the late autumn night. In the dark of his room, Romulus stared out the window at the night sky that glistened with thousands of stars, the silver moon hanging high and covering the world in an ethereal veil of pale light. The Armada boy's mind was filled with thoughts of the girl sleeping just downstairs. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her in some form or another. Fighting off the saber cat together, swimming in the ocean, her lying across him after a tickle fight, the checkups they gave one another... Lillith had invaded his every thought and dream, the young brute was smitten and intoxicated by her beauty. Her silver and snow fur that felt like it had been made of silk, her gorgeous ruby eyes that shone whenever she looked at him, the pretty face on the slender body, the melodic sound of her voice speaking his name with a giggle on her breath...

Romulus heaved a sigh while rolling onto his back, paws curled to his chest while he stared blankly up at the ceiling. It didn't seem like sleep wanted to spend time with him tonight. Judging by the position of the moon, it was a little after midnight, and everyone else in the castle was asleep. Roman's expression shifted as realization crossed his features. Everyone else in the castle was asleep. Except for him. Armada boldness began to fill his soul. All the risqué thoughts and fantasies he'd had that had kept him warm through the nights, they could all become a reality. All he would have to do was take the confidence to go downstairs. It would be so easy. No one would be the wiser. Ah, but her father... A roguish smirk crossed his lips. Her father would never know, not if he played his cards right.

After debating with himself for a few minutes longer, Roman decided it was time to seize his opportunity. After the recent days spent with Lillith, he knew the young Adravendi girl liked him and embraced his advances so far. What harm would taking a couple more liberties do? Rolling off the bed and to his paws, Roman quietly unlatched his bedroom door and peeked out into the hall. It was dark and quiet, just as he expected. The grin returned. Like a silver shadow, the wolf crept down the hall, using the old carpets to dampen the sound of his clawed paws as he made his way to the foyer, then down the stairs to the second level. He turned down the Adravendi wing, still moving slow, smooth, and silent, until he arrived at Lillith's bedroom. He hesitated outside the door for a minute longer, straining his ears to listen for the slightest sound to tip him off if anyone was stirring. Nothing—except for a faintly noticeable snoring coming from Ulric's bedchambers. The grin widened. Excellent.

He didn't knock. He didn't make any noise to announce his presence before quietly lifting the latch and slipping into the dark of Lillith's bedroom. He closed the door slowly, making sure the latch slid gently back into place with nothing more than a soft sound of metal rubbing against metal. Roman turned and made his way across the room to Lillith's bed, knowing the girl was a heavy sleeper and probably wouldn't have heard him enter. He snuck up to her bed, spotting her form silhouetted in the moonlight and sparkling silver all over. She looked breathtaking, like an otherworldly spirit taken form before his eyes. He could have stayed there and just watched her sleep all night—but the Armada in him demanded more; always more. Romulus lifted his paws to the bed, hoisting himself up just enough so he could reach her muzzle to place a couple slow licks to her nose to wake her up. "Shhhh, it's just me," he whispered in the dark, grinning at her, though he didn't know if she could see it.
