
Let's study biology

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-22-2021, 09:03 PM

That grin never left his lips as he felt her melt into him under his touches and teasing, the way she squirmed and gasped as his paws wandered even further and started pleasuring her in earnest made him want to do even more. She was so addictive in everything they did together and he just wanted more and more all the time - so much so that he was willing to do things like this in the pharmacy closet just because he just couldn't wait to enjoy her. Even if she hadn't put her paw on his cheek to keep him there against her neck he certainly wouldn't have pulled away. He kept kissing and nibbling all along her neck and throat while his paw made her squirm and wiggle on top of him even more, but his foreleg wrapped firmly around her kept her from falling off of him and held her steady. The way her slender form felt moving against him and her tail brushing against other certain sensitive parts of him made gaps and quiet, muffled groans of his own join in with hers.

Her gasping protests that barely even sounded like protests just made him grin wider, his own breathing quickly picking up into a light pant as well as that heated pleasure and desire ran through him. "They won't as long as you're quiet..." he insisted softly against her neck, not letting up on what he was doing to her for a second. The door was closed and would block most of most of their sounds anyway and it wasn't like many wolves tried to come in the pharmacy anyway. But, all the same, he briefly lifted his eyes from her for just a moment to glance around the room to see if there was anything he could use to bar the door. In the corner there was a piece of wood that looked like maybe it was left over from building the shelving in the room and he reached over, letting go of her for just a moment to knock the piece of wood across the door, nudging and sliding it through the door handle so if anyone tried to open the door it at least wouldn't open right away.

He groaned softly as he wrapped his forelegs around her again, the rush of it all combined with her amazing scent and the feel of her stunning body on top of his made him want her so much he thought it might burn him alive from the inside out. Ezra continued to kiss and tease the side of her neck, but instead of going back to pleasuring her the way he had been he wrapped her up in a tight embrace to hold her steady as he started to shift his hips, shifting and moving her until he was able to begin joining them together again with a gasp, gritting his teeth to hold back the rumbling groan that threatened to escape him. Her own moans reached his ears and he lifted a paw up to her muzzle, wrapping a paw around her muzzle to hold it closed and help keep her quiet, his hips meeting hers as he pushed up into her. He panted hard with his head pressed into the crook of her neck, keeping one paw around her muzzle and another around her waist, having his way with her as he got lost in the scent of her heat and sex and the mind blowing pleasure she gave him each time he had the chance to have her.

- fade -

When they were done he laid there with her cradled on his chest, holding her tight with a floaty grin across his lips as he kissed all along the top of her head and around her ears, giving her cheeks and neck affectionate nuzzles. "That was fun..." he whispered with a chuckle once he caught his breath, grinning down at her and letting one of his paws trace along her side. He didn't really know what came over him whenever he wanted her that badly, but he loved every single moment of it and just wanted to keep finding different ways of enjoying her and making her have all those reactions he loved from her.

Ezra Adravendi