
Take a break




3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-23-2021, 01:45 AM
Segin beamed up at Emersyn with happy tears collecting in his eyes as she agreed with his demands that they start a family, blinking away the mistiness in his eyes with a giddy giggle after he returned her affectionate kiss. As she went on to tell him all the sweetest things he had ever heard about how she loved him for everything he was and how great he made her feel and how good of a father he'd be... It all made a lump of emotion form in his throat and his tail beat the ground like crazy, their wagging tails brushing over each other and entwining with their excitement. "You are the greatest fae in the world, Em! A-And if I'm going to have a family I want it to be with you too!" There was no doubt that the wine was making his emotions even more free and lose than usual, but he still meant every word. If Em had come to him yesterday and told him that she really wanted to start a family and wanted him to be the father he would have done it in a heart beat. Of course he might have been a little less clingy and gushy about it than he was now, but... The truth was still the truth.

He held her face between his paws and kissed her deeply, his silver gaze slipping closed with a murr, his lips moving against hers while his tongue found hers and he tasted the inside of her mouth. He wasn't exactly someone that was ever reserved or hesitant with his affections anyway, but with his head swimming with the wine and his body tingling from the tipsiness it gave him he was even more forward and affectionate than he would have been normally. His paws slipped up around the back of her neck after a few moments, making out with her with a quiet moan as he practically rolled onto his back and had himself hanging off of her with his eagerness to give her every ounce of affection and love she deserved. It was never hard to spark up that desire and need in his belly, but Em did it so easily and that was especially true in this moment. He wanted her so badly whether he was going to give her the family she wanted or not.

His lips parted from hers after a while with a soft gasp, grinning and panting up at her with a wide grin on his lips. "I need you, Em... I need to have a family with you..." he said against her lips before finally letting go of her neck and not so gracefully rolling to his paws. He wobbled his way around behind her, settling himself over her back with his hips pressing into hers and hooking his forelegs around her hips, nuzzling into her scruff with a soft groan, already panting lightly from his desire and the heavy making out and feeling her soft fur against some very sensitive parts of him.

Segin Epsilon