
Come Hither, My Craft Fellows



08-06-2013, 06:53 PM

She was surprised Erani mentioned their last meeting rather than her depression. She blinked a few times before looking up at the white female. Blue eyes trained on the other as she listened. Head tilted to the side as she stared. "I...but...I apologize for not coming to you sooner Erani, I have no true excuse for it. I'm sorry I assumed the title. It was...all I knew and all have ever been. In my last pack, I was only a mere rank above an Omega. We did not have the rights healers do here. It is a habit hard to break. I am proud to be a healer, I would be nothing else but that. I strive to help others, I?m no fighter and i can only hunt enough to keep myself fit." She replied and straightened up. She that back to the day she had met Erani and Cormalin. Strength? She had simply been void of any feelings that day. She would not see that as a strength, but a lack of strength.

She respectfully listened to Erani explain a bit about herself. Shortly after Cael joined them, coming to her side. Tail wagged in greeting and she smiled at the white male warmly. She believed she was going to be fond of Cael, specially since he was a healer and it looked like they might be working together. She rather liked the idea of working with the white male. Another wolf joined them. At once Imena knew something was wrong. Blue eyes focused on the other female intently with worry. Was this the one who had been attacked? The poor thing, her wounds seemed all healed but there was some other kind of pain. She looked back to Erani concerned but said nothing as Erani introduced them all to each other.

Man, she was the black sheep out of the group, literally. All three of them what white fur while she was shades of gray and black. She looked down at her paws and wiggled her white toes. She totally felt like she stood out. Imena was not one to easily feel out of place, but she sure did then. She leaned towards Cael slightly, trying to take comfort of at least knowing him and his kind nature.
