
oh making bad decisions



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2021, 07:08 AM
There was no understanding and no support from the one that she loved and as much as she tore Dalila apart she did the same to Siren. There was no reaction, no gentle paw upon her back, nothing. This was Siren’s burden to carry alone, and that fact couldn’t have been made more clear in the way Dalila reacted. Silence, complete stony silence as she told her the truth, what she had been put through, and the burden she carried for powers that were far beyond her. And she was given nothing by the woman she loved, who she only wanted to hold her and support her right now. Maybe their love was not as strong as she had believed.

Dalila spoke again, hiding any disgust or betrayal from her voice, but the words sounded more like she was speaking to Chimera than her adored lover. Siren broke as the woman turned to leave her there. This was not the price she planned to pay as a servant of the water spirit. Dalila instructed her to eat the herbs that were offered, drink the water she was provided, and rest like her body needed. Siren said nothing, she didn’t move as she struggled with the way her heart cracked and broke in her chest.

She didn’t let the sobs begin until Dalila was gone. Suddenly feeling like the weight of the world was weighing heavily on her chest Siren cried. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she sobbed into the soft blankets and furs on her bed that she had shared with the precious woman. Everything hurt, her body, her heart, her head. Nothing was right and she wallowed in her sorrow, refusing the herbs and finding her desire to drink diminished. She cried herself to sleep, and wandered in dark nightmares as the life she knew crumbled around her.

"Siren Primrose Klein"