
Splat! [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
08-23-2021, 04:40 PM

Being complimented for his skills was always a welcome surprise, as he rarely thought of himself as being especially skilled in any regard. Everything he did was purely on a whim, with little care for the rest. After a brief moment, the dark furred male launched into a brief recounting of his life living around the volcano to the northwest. "Well, it depends where you den. Some parts of the rocks and caves do stay pretty warm but it smells weirder there." the boy said, which was met with another curious hum. He haphazardly tossed the cleaned blade in the direction of the den mouth with a flick of his wrist, letting it thud against the hard packed, damp sand at the entrance. "I think I noticed somethin' like that at the Hot Springs when I visited last, its kind of a sulphur-y smell, yeah?" he replied as he turned back to face his dinner guest. He watched the larger wolf move to a nearby log that lay partway into the clearing around his den site. As Áskell settled down on the lichen covered log, he stretched out along it and got comfortable. There was a bit more of a wait on the fish to be finished cooking, he could tell by the way the fat and juices were beginning to sizzle vigorously around the carcass.

So, do you have any friends you hang out with?" the boy questioned once he was settled. As if on cue, his amphibious companion disappeared into the lightly glowing water of the mangrove with a splash. He'd be back eventually, Bog rarely worried about him getting hurt. "Uh, sometimes I run into some of the other yearlings while I'm out and about, and we do stuff together. Oh, I also met this nice lady named Jynn. She ain't a wolf, I don't think. We went explorin' together for a day, which was nice." he drawled with an easy smile, leaning further back onto his elbow and letting the warmth from the fire soak into his bones. "Ya got friends in that volcano crew of yours?" he returned with a quirk of his brow, auds perked.

"speech" thinking "others"