
fine china and cloth napkins



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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Lighting McQueen1KPride - Pansexual
08-23-2021, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2021, 05:01 PM by Kaija. Edited 2 times in total.)
Reuniting with Ophie had easily been the highlight of her day - of herweek, even. Slowly Kaija was growing more certain about her plans to embark into the world on her own, though she wanted to figure out where her dad had gone off to first, and see if he wanted a traveling partner for awhile. Now that she was a yearling she was sure she had the skills to make it on her own, though mentally she was less sure. What if she found herself missing her siblings, her mom? Even the other wolves in Valhalla? She had to remind herself she had friends elsewhere though (at least one, maybe even two) and that everyone she met was a potential friend, unless they sucked. She liked to think she was a decent judge of character, but the truth was that Kaija was still pretty sheltered. She had so much to see and learn, and... wait, what was that smell?!

It wasn't the normal kind of scent that alerted her to a prey animal nearby. This was something much more delicious. After rousing Ophie's attention she set off to find it, nearly drooling as she got closer to the source of the aroma. "What d'you think that is?" Kaija asked her friend as they drew closer, eventually the sound of trickling water becoming audible. The scent of fire was the next thing she noticed, though the food smells definitely overwhelmed it. Trekking over the vegetation that remained here, the sight suddenly popping into a view. A wolf - well, technically a child, definitely younger than she was - was tending to something. Her interest was piqued, and nothing about her posture was apprehensive as she strode up, hoping Ophie would be close behind her. "What's that? It smells so good," she admitted, grinning at the sight. Up close it looked like some kind of fish but she'd never seen anything cooked like this. Her stomach rumbled in anticipation, though she knew better than to assume another wolf's meal might be shared. She was intensely curious though and hoped at least she might get some answers, if not a bite.