
Silver Moonlight

Lil ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-23-2021, 06:56 PM

Everything seemed to be going amazingly. Better than he had hoped, even! The first press of their lips together had Lillith leaning into him without any reluctance or timidity, following his flow easy enough. It had sent fire through his veins to see the way her eyes slid closed to enjoy the moment they shared. But the second, significantly more heated kiss had been her tipping point. As soon as he pressed more fervently into their shared passion, he heard Lillith give a muffled whine and her body went rigid, trying to squirm her way away from him. He withdrew after a moment, ears flicking to catch her words broken by gasping breaths. His brow furrowed, confused and dazed, and as soon as his grip loosened even a bit, she was out and gone. Just like a silver shadow.

Romulus blinked through startled silver eyes while he watched Lillith throw herself out of bed to slide to the floor, putting an almost painful amount of space between them. His heart was still pounding against his chest and that pressure inside of him refused to subside, but it also felt like someone had just dumped a bucket of cold water on him. The shock on his face didn't vanish until she began apologizing against panting breaths. That was when he realized what had happened. "Too much." It wasn't a question, and there was no uncertainty in his hushed voice. Lillith wasn't ready for him, not for the passion and fire of his Armada blood. Slate-tipped ears dipped to his head. "No, it's not your fault, Lil. It's not," he tried to reassure her, though he doubted his words would do much good here.

Roman's silver eyes left Lillith's form on the floor to peer out at the night sky, his mouth opening and closing noiselessly a couple of times as he struggled to find the words to say. He'd never been rejected before; this was a new feeling to the Armada lad. But he'd also pushed her too far. Lillith was still in a recovering state, apparently so fragile that even a single heated kiss was too much to bear. Or perhaps he'd misread the signs and she wasn't into him like that. Or maybe it was the difference in their ages, one still closer to puppyhood and one on the eve of becoming an adult. Either way, he'd pushed her too far and found her breaking point. "I shouldn't have done that," he mumbled, mostly to himself. He rose from her bed, suddenly finding it very uncomfortable to be lying in it when she was on the floor. The larger brute slid to the floor, gesturing with a flick of his head for her to get back in so they could swap places.
