
Silver Moonlight

Lil ♡



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2021, 07:29 PM
She was enjoying herself. Roman’s sweet kiss and gentle embrace was everything she wanted. The burning of her skin, the swift unnatural beating of her heart, and his stealing her breath made her panic and leap from his grasp with no grace and no tact. He didn’t attempt to keep her restrained to his benefit. Lillith wouldn’t have responded well, not that she thought he would ever do anything against her will. She pressed herself against the floor, embarrassed and feeling like she would die from the heat on her skin. For the fire that he had ignited in her belly.

It scared her, all of the emotions that he could elicit within her so easily. Roman recovered slowly, but spoke the truth as he saw it. He had asked too much of her. Lilith was always trying to prove herself, to exceed expectations of her, but in this instance she felt so much like she had failed him. He tried to reassure her that she wasn’t at fault at all, but she didn’t feel it. He paused for a moment then, and Lillith buried her face in her paws, ashamed of herself for reacting so swiftly and negatively.

"I’m sorry,” she repeated again softly as he returned his silver eyes to her. Saying how he shouldn’t have done it. The truth was Lillith wanted his kisses, she wanted to be able to handle the fiery passion he had just given her a tiny glimpse of. He motioned for her to get back in the bed but she didn’t move that way. Carefully she leaned back into his side. "It’s too warm.” She told him as she shook her head slightly, still feeling herself breathless. "Roman, I…” she was lost for words, but she wanted to explain herself. "I really like kissing you.” She confessed with her ears slicked back to her skull. "I don’t know what happened, it was so hot and then i couldn’t breath and…” She looked away but her shoulder still leaned into his as they lay there on the floor.
