
judge, jury, executioner



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-24-2021, 02:46 PM
Emersyn had long-since stopped caring about what was being said. When it had become blatantly obvious that she would not accept responsibility for her actions and instead continue to play the victim and paint everybody else as the bad guy, what little bit of civility Em had towards her dissolved. She no longer saw Duchess as a wolf. She was a parasite, a leech taking from everyone for her own selfish demands. The pups within her were innocent for now, but there was no doubt in her mind that with the whore as their mother, they too would grow to be more trouble than they were worth. Duchess made a big show of trying to leave, throwing accusations out that everyone saw her as a problem and that her actions didn't involve the band. She was a child throwing a temper tantrum and it was disgusting. What Indigo had ever seen in her was lost to the dusty violet fae.

Realizing there was no more to be said or done here other than watch the lovers quarrel, Em rolled her eyes and got to her paws. What a terrific waste of time this had been. Nothing had been garnered, nothing had changed, no justice had been dealt, and the status quo remained the same. All they had was a maybe plan of where to go for the winter so the pups didn't die immediately. What a shame, thought Em, that is couldn't be that simple. Nothing in life ever was. "I'm going for a walk," she told Segin—and only Segin. "Stay with Gypsy for me, please." With that, Emersyn excused herself from this mockery of a trial and headed eastward toward the coast. She needed to be alone with her thoughts for a while.

- exit Emersyn -
