
Swiggity Swooty Comin for that Booty



"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
08-24-2021, 07:16 PM

Hanako had settled well into Azure's quarters, furnishing it with what little of her belongings she'd managed to salvage from the ruins of her old den. His place wasn't quite as spacious or as thoughtfully laid out as her own, but that was to be expected since he'd gone out of his way to make hers the best of the best. Beyond the lingering notes of sourness aimed towards Lia and her butter paws she quite liked the new arrangement, she was not so opposed to change if it meant getting closer to Azure. And honestly, making him sleep outside to keep watch was just too much, a slight she didn't have an interest in clinging onto.

Her ears tipped as she caught the finishing note of Sparrow calling out to her and-whoops. With no exaggeration necessary, Hanako had forgotten about the Pirate King's offer and her promise to get back with to her with a final decision. Woosh, poof, gone for her mind as though the word lust simply only had one meaning. She leaned her weight back onto her hind limbs, recalling how she'd told Azure she hadn't made up her mind just yet, lingering on the fence as if he'd ever let her stay there. Even now, distantly, the prospect was tempting, a shiny new thing dangled before her nose that made her go cross-eyed as she stared at it with a waning sense of impulse control.

But no. Azure had given her a much-needed reality check and...even from a selfish point of view there was a lot a pack like the Armada could give her. Probably more than a wandering band of pirates who had no rhyme or reason to put down roots.

She was going to stay. Such a choice made her pause as she glanced towards the distant shadows of the Willows, it was such a reasonable thought that she wondered what sort of influence the Fatalis' were having on her. Somehow both filling her pool whilst spreading it thin so it remained as shallow as ever.

Breaking into a gallop, Hanako knew she had to act fast unless she wanted one of Azure's other companions to cut her off. Bean and Toshi made no attempt to stop her as she left them behind, crossing the Plains with long-leggy strides she was quick to make it to the border, where Azure was already planted in place. She made a point of coming to a stop a fair distance away from the border, her breathing calm despite the strange tightness forming in her chest. She didn't know what to say to fix this and it frightened her.

She simply shook her head, hoping it would catch Sparrow's eye and she'd infer her meaning.

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