
Old things made new




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

08-27-2021, 05:51 PM

When he professed his expected happiness if he and Tamsyn conceived puppies, he had his head behind her neck, nibbling and grooming through the fur on her scruff, so he hadn't been able to see the beaming grin on her face. He did however see that silky black tail attached to her rump begin to swish and wag like crazy, laughing lightly as such an obvious show of joy and excitement. So ti appeared Tamsyn was all on board for another litter with him! He felt her shift, pulling back and he did the same so his hazel eyes could meet her mint ones with a clear look of love and affection. Tamsyn had saved him in ways he hadn't even realized he'd needed saving, breathing a life back into his soul that had been snatched away by Death years ago. He was hers for the rest of time, and he would have her as his forever if she allowed him. He saw the sly grin on her face and immediately knew what was on her mind, equally as enthused for the implication their words had brought.

As if reading his intentions, Tamsyn leaned toward him and took his mouth in a deep kiss. Kane relented instantly to her desires, kissing her slow and intense, his foreleg wrapping tighter still around her while she wrapped her leg around his. Even now, after so many shared kisses, each one she gave him made his pulse race like he'd been struck by lightning, and secretly he hoped that feeling of shocking attraction never waned. He wanted his hundredth kiss to feel just like his first with her. Sitting here in their shared bedroom in the home he got to call his, tangled and kissing with his beautiful and loving girlfriend, it made Kane realize just how lucky he had gotten by nearly dying that spring day. Although he had never been more out of his element than when he was with Tamsyn, he had also never felt safer, more welcomed, and more at home than he did with her. She proved to him time and time again that this was where he belonged.

Their lips parted with a happy sigh from the towering brute. He smiled down at Tam through saber teeth, eyes shining with nothing short of pure love. Then she said the words he had hoped to hear, but that completely shut down his brain all the same. "I love you." Kane's breathing hitched and his heart skipped a beat before it started dancing a samba against his ribcage. Hazel eyes stared at her in wide wonder, mouth hung open in a stunned expression, but he recovered quickly. The open mouth turned into a huge toothy smile and he felt a giddy energy surge through his nerves. "I love you too," he replied, his words shaky with the excitement buzzing in his brain. Kane brought his muzzle down to boop his nose against hers, unable to keep that giant, goofy grin off his face while he claimed Tamsyn's mouth in another quick, loving kiss, and then another, and then another, until he was just peppering her lips with kisses over and over! He couldn't get enough of this absolutely perfect angel of a fae that had completely turned his life around.

She loved him, and he loved her!


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.