
Bend until I break




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-27-2021, 09:30 PM

It felt like the world was spinning around her even more than it had been the day that she had found Siren on the beach. Free. She couldn't really even comprehend what that word meant or what she could do with it. The only time she had been given a slight taste of freedom she had spiraled out of control and had landed herself in the paws of slavers. Not having a focus derailed her. Granted, she was in a far better place now than she had been right after her former pack was destroyed and slain, but she couldn't completely rule out the possibility that she might fall back into the same fate that she had back then if left to her own devices.

Her chest ached as Siren insisted that she loved her and as much as it hurt she couldn't call Siren a liar. Siren loved deeply, but unlike Dalila her love wasn't singular. She loved her, she loved Chimera, and if there was already two wolves that she loved who was to say that she couldn't love more? It was just a concept that Dalila hadn't been prepared for and hadn't considered when she fell in love with her princess. She hadn't been prepared to be one of many, to have to share the woman she loved with others. She hadn't been prepared or looking for love at all, but it had fallen into her lap and she was now dealing with those consequences.

"No, I... I don't think you actually do want what I want," she said softly, shifting her gaze up to Siren's with a tired sadness that felt like it might pull her down to the ground with its weight. "I want you and only you. I want you to myself. That's not what you want. That's okay, I just..." Was it okay? Was she able to conform to that? Was that better or worse than giving up Siren entirely? It wasn't something she could decide or accept right now. It was all too much and it all hurt more than she really knew how to process. Even though their relationship had never been set in stone and no boundaries had ever been decided it still felt as if she had been cheated on. She still felt betrayed and slighted and she had to decide if that was something she could forgive and forget.

Dalila's ears flicked back as she gazed down at Siren uncertainly for a long moment before sighing softly and leaning her head down to give her cheek a soft kiss. "I want to keep taking care of you. You've been my only friend, I... I don't want to lose that. I just need some time to figure out if I can be anything more than that again. I still love you, it just... it just hurts to much right now." She rose to her paws then, standing as she took a step back from Siren. "I'm going to go take a walk... I need to go think for a while." She turned to go leave the den, but before she stepped outside she paused, another question weighing on her that she still didn't know the answer two. Looking back toward Siren, she asking quietly, "If you are pregnant... what are you going to tell Chimera?"
