
I See You


08-06-2013, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:51 AM by Gael.)

Being sick sucked. Big time. He had spent too much time helping out in valhalla when the flood had hit that apparently he had gotten hit with a cold. Horrible cold. Sneezing, runny nose and his throat itched like there was no tomorrow. As much as he would've liked to have Meili caring for him, he hadn't wanted to get her sick, so the young Adravendi had quarantined himself from Valhalla, spending some time outside of the pack, waiting out the cold since he had no knowledge of any herbs given the fact that he hadn't gotten a chance to spend time with his mom. It had been an agonizing week without being able to see his little woman but if it meant keeping her from getting sick then it wasn't too bad.

But the week was over and his cold was long gone. The heat of summer had hopefully dried up most of the water that had accumulated in Valhalla, so he wouldn't have to worry about catching a cold anytime soon. Today he was heading back home, back to his little teal-eyed woman, but before he got back he was going to take a detour towards Emerald Valley. It was such a beautiful place and even more so now that it was summer. The grass was lush and green, swaying gently in the breeze, giving the appearance of an endless sea of grass. His cerulean eyes spotted dear up ahead but the yearling paid them no mind. The landscape was much too beautiful for him to think of food. Besides, he'd eaten breakfast already. Ivory tipped paws carried the young man through the lush valley, every sense alert in the afternoon sun. The warm rays shone down on the silver man, warming his shoulders as his thoughts swirled around Meili. How he'd missed her. Stopping in the midst of the emerald sea, Gael tossed his crown back, lips pulling together as a soft croon filled the air, calling his little woman to him. He had been away from her for too long. As his voice echoed out the young man remained vigilent, waiting to see the familiar flashy of timber and teal.

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