
need you to stay


08-06-2013, 09:21 PM

Near the edge of the pack lands? Angeal filed that away immediately, biting back the snarl that longed to explode from his body. He would find this male. He would make sure that the wolf stayed far, far away from Liste for as long as that was what she desired. He was a monster, and he would damn well put that to use. Ears twitching slightly, when Angeal spoke, his voice was thoughtful. "How many nights ago was it?" The wolf asked absently, trying to keep the interest from his voice. Had the trail gone cold already?

Kill? Please. Angeal wasn't that easy to kill. The fact that he was still walking was proof of that. There had been plenty of wolves who tried to kill him, in his life before Liste and Ludicael. "I'm tougher than I look," Angeal twitched his ears, but he couldn't deny that his heart was melting at the look in her brown gaze. She feared for him, and Angeal didn't know how to explain that he was far harder to kill than she thought without telling her everything, and he balked from that.

Even now, there were some secrets that were meant to be kept. "I don't want you to handle this on your own." The male spoke carefully, "I do not think you are weak, but I just... I've been involved in many battles. And if he is dangerous, perhaps it would be best if you had a . . . seasoned warrior to back you up." This was one thing that he had sworn he would never go back to. No more fighting. No more. But he was going to do it anyways, because it was Liste and that was how things worked with her. He would do anything for her.

She deserved it. She deserved a wolf willing to do his best to help her, and he would do his best to be what she deserved. He would try to be better than he was, and maybe one day, it would outweigh his many sins.
