
all my competition saying what we gon' do



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-28-2021, 12:56 PM

"speech" "Japanese" thoughts "others"

While there was little surprise evident on her face, he found himself forced to quell the swift rise of his own brows when she spoke warmly of his new master. "Take good care of her, she's not all tough like the rest. I think she needs a gentle paw." the pale fae replied, her tone bearing only a hint of a warning. Not that he needed it, the Warlord had made it exceptionally clear what would happen to him in the event he failed in his duties or overstepped his position. It would be a lucky break if he survived, and he'd spend the rest of eternity praying for death. Or something along those lines. Regardless, he dipped his chin in a small, solemn nod of assent. "I shall do my best, my lady." he assured her softly. After that brief pause, she seemed to deem him worthy of her time and title, at least for the next few seconds. "Well, I'm Hanako, the pack's diplomat. I feel a lot better knowing a man so dedicated to his work will continue to help the pack recover while I'm away. Regardless of rank we all have very important work to do." she drawled, gentle lyrics rising in a swell of.. was that haughtiness he detected? It would be fitting, given her rank, and yet it still amused him.

Dark lips curved in a tiny, lopsided grin, mirroring her energy as she smiled and swept her tail smoothly over the furs that she lay upon. My my, wasn't the lady proud of herself. "If you're ever in need of a fishing partner, seek me out. Not to brag or anything, but I'm the best. Surprised Sirius hasn't added it to my title just yet." she added, to which he offered a far brighter grin. Pale green gaze twinkled with unspoken mirth, and he dipped his head in a grand bow. Whether he was laying it on thick, or brimming with tactful sarcasm, who could say? "What a kind gesture, lady Hanako. I would be most honoured to learn from a master, should you spare me the time in the future." he purred, nose nearly touching the grass and mint optics lifting to fix upon her dainty features. The tip of his ebony banner gave the slightest twitch, betraying his amusement.